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“Our combined efforts provide the complete package; great marketing on a superior platform with excellent customer service.”

Strong roots in the Shorthorn breed and a passion for the cattlemen who love the breed, led Jeff Aegerter, owner of Aegerter Marketing Services, to take a strong interest in sale management. Through years of raising and selling shorthorn cattle and a long career with the Shorthorn Country, Jeff was able to establish a strong connection with breeders across the nation early on in his career.

“I was very fortunate to be able to work for and learn under Dr. Roger Hunsley, Don Cagwin, Alan Sears and Bruce Brooks. These gentlemen were great mentors to me and gave me a great base to establish Aegerter Marketing Services,” says Jeff. 

After stepping away from Association work in 2000, Jeff found that the mentorship he received and the relationships he founded could serve as valuable assets to forge his own trail and launch his own sale management business. 

“Many of my old customers and friends still wanted me to assist them with their cattle marketing after I left the Association, and thus Aegerter Marketing Services (AMS) was born.”

Jeff’s passion and love for the business are evident in his dedication to serving his customers. From its initiation to present day, AMS strives to serve a diverse customer base, regardless of herd size. He has had the opportunity to support customers in a wide variety of sale needs, including show heifer production sales, high quality bred female sales, herd and commercial bull sales, and both frozen embryos and semen sales. 

“I truly love helping my customers and playing a small part in their success, and I’ve been fortunate to work with so many diverse operations over the years,” Jeff said.

For years, Jeff served many customers in live sale management, and sought out solutions that would elevate their marketing and sales success. With an eye always on innovative solutions, Jeff began conversations around online selling strategies in 2015, with our very own Kevin Wendt.  

“I started AMS Online Sales after visiting with my good friend Kevin Wendt about how we could incorporate an online sales platform into the Shorthorn breed for starters. The goal was to provide an option to our customers that served as a more diverse selling outlet for some customers, especially for those who didn't have enough cattle for a live auction,” explained Jeff. 

While he would tell you his favorite part of serving customers is the comradery of a live sale atmosphere, Jeff was quick to recognize the importance of providing diverse options for his customers in a digital era. Having recognized that not all of his clients had enough head for a live production sale, he saw the potential of the innovative online space as an ideal solution. By leveraging online platforms, he created valuable opportunities for small breeders and those focused on genetic sales, offering them an accessible and effective outlet to reach a broader audience and succeed in a competitive market.

“My favorite part of sale management is the actual conduction of the live auction. But the bottom line is, I take great pride in helping my customers market their livestock and frozen genetics, whether it be in an auction or an online sale. has become a huge tool for our customer's giving them the ability to reach customers throughout North America,” Jeff reiterated.

When selecting the online selling platform and software to meet his needs, Aegerter never thought twice about partnering with The Wendt Group. He feels a successful auction relies heavily on advanced marketing initiatives and unrivaled customer services – areas he felt The Wendt Group is an industry leader in.

“The Partnership between AMS and TWG is truly second to none in providing the very best experience possible for those who want to have an online sale. Over the years, we’ve been able to deliver a solution to customers that combines the best online platform available with outstanding customer service. This ranges from marketing details to hosting sales to settling sales at close. The TWG sales staff is second to none in customer service,” explained Aegerter.

While The Wendt Group has served in a logistics capacity for years, helping post, run and close sales, Jeff still serves as the face and driving force behind AMS Online Sales. He recognizes that though we may be in an era of more online sales, this is still a person-to-person business, and he takes pride in visiting with his customers to develop strategies for success. 

“The most successful sales we host are those with incredible teamwork and commitment to success. Combining forces with TWG has allowed us to merge our years of experience and marketing expertise, with an easy-to-use platform, backed by a professional and next level customer service team. This has delivered great value to our customer base.” Jeff said. 

If you’re interested in booking an online sale with AMS – please contact Jeff Aegerter today! 402-6414696.

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The Wendt Group, Inc.
121 Jackson Street
P.O. BOX 133
Plain City, OH 43064
(614) 403-0726
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